Hillsboro Community Library

Visit the Library

The Library is a free community service, open to everyone.  There are no fees for any Library services --books, materials, internet access etc. -- except printing and copying, which incur a small charge to cover the cost of ink and paper.

To support the Library, we encourage you to make a contribution or even a volunteer.  Please click on the link to download the Application.  Print it out and return it to:

       Hillsboro Community Library

       PO Box 205

       Hillsboro, NM 88042

If you would like to learn about our volunteer opportunities, please click on "Contact us" and let us know.
Thank you for your support of the Hillsboro Community Library.

About US



Volunteers staff the desk, maintain the collection, raise funds, and serve on the Board. Inquire by clicking on "Contact Us" in the Main Menu on left panel."